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Benefits of Accreditation

Confidence in the market place and in our public services is essential. Trust is placed in the products and services on offer often without a second thought by the customer, such are the regulations and standards against which products are manufactured and services provided.

DACB accreditation ensures that certificates and test results are acceptable worldwide. Accreditation eliminates the need for multiple assessments when goods cross frontiers, giving Irish industry the best competitive advantage possible in what is an ever-expanding and aggressive marketplace.


Accreditation is the preferred mechanism for ensuring public confidence in the reliability of activities that impact on health, welfare, security and the environment. Accreditation is used, therefore, to identify bodies competent for the implementation of government policies and regulations.


Accreditation gives consumers confidence through ensuring consistently high standards in the quality and safety of products or services purchased.


Accreditation is an essential tool for decision making and risk management. Organisations can save time and money by selecting an accredited (and therefore competent) supplier.

Accreditation can provide a competitive advantage and facilitates access to export markets within Europe and beyond – with the aim of “tested or certified once, accepted everywhere”.

Accurate measurements and tests carried out in compliance with best practices limit product failure, control manufacturing costs and foster innovation.

Accredited Members

Accreditation is chosen by an organisation because of the competitive advantages it affords, through access to a given market via independent assessment and demonstration of compliance with international requirements.

Accreditation is objective proof that organisations have the competence to comply with best practice. It is the internationally recognised system that is used to develop and sustain high standards of performance. It is often a prerequisite for eligibility to tender for international projects.

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